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Stock Current Price to 52W Range 1W Perf. 1M Perf. 6M Perf. 1Y Perf. RSI(14) Sector Market Cap Stock Total # of Buys/Sells # of Small Buys/Sells # of Medium Buys/Sells # of Large Buys/Sells $ Value Bought/Sold Stock Funds in Profit vs Funds Underwater Shares Owned Value Owned Total # of Holders # of Small Stakes # of Medium Stakes # of Large Stakes Stock $ Buys vs Sells 1W $ Buys vs Sells 1M $ Buys vs Sells 3M $ Buys vs Sells 6M $ Buys vs Sells 1Y Stock # Buys vs Sells 1W # Buys vs Sells 1M # Buys vs Sells 3M # Buys vs Sells 6M # Buys vs Sells 1Y